Levitated Toy Factory


Albuquerque, NM


2020 AIA Santa Fe – Honor Award, Built Work Category
2015 AIA NM (Student Jury) – Citation of Merit Award
2014 AIA Albuquerque – Honor Award

The Levitated Toy Factory engages the vital growth of downtown while at the same time preserving its presence in an established urban context. The 6,000 s.f. building is filled with decades of history, occupied by Albuquerque Journal reporters and the press association until its recent renovation in 2013.

The project intent and challenge was to bring spiritual levity to this building, to make it a vessel for inspired human occupation, interaction and creativity. The design solution brings natural light into the heart of the building and breathes life and vitality into the city core.

With open, flexible gallery and education spaces, the public component of the project is ideal for lecture series, events, and tech/art collaborations. The more private zones of the building include offices and fabrication spaces.

The existing structural steel and original brick infill were purposefully maintained, while new interior spaces were created with the extensive use of natural light and LED light fixtures. All electrical needs, including 3-D printing and laser cutting labs, are met through the 22.5 kw solar panel canopy along the perimeter of the building. This project is a successful collaboration of building re-use and new technological systems; shaping light-filled spaces conducive to the creative process and experience.