CNM Wayfinding

(with Studio Collaboration)


Albuquerque, NM


2016 AIA Albuquerque – Citation Award

The design solution for the Wayfinding Project at Central New Mexico’s Main Campus evolved from a belief that wayfinding is connected to place-making. By defining campus edge conditions, the primary entries onto the campus, and establishing a strong primary circulation spine, the signage components of the design reinforce the legibility of a solution that is inherently intuitive.

Over several decades the Main Campus evolved organically to meet the functional needs of a rapidly growing student population, and multiple entries into the urban campus were divided by busy roads and lacked clarity and definition. Portions of the campus that straddled a 12’ grade change did not appear to be physically connected, although they formed the primary path for students arriving to the campus from the parking lots to the west.

A tall trellised structure links the primary pedestrian entry onto campus and connects to a terraced garden. A subliminal narrative of xeric landscape, shade, native plants, and water harvesting are intertwined with outdoor classrooms, gathering spaces and demonstration gardens nurtured by students. The Wayfinding project at CNM’s Main Campus sets the stage for and is part of a larger transformation of the campus into a ‘Living Lab’ within which education and ecological values are meshed.